Next Amazona: Build ECommerce Website Like Amazon By Next.JS udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



Hello and Welcome to Next Amazona, a coding course to build an eCommerce website like amazon by NextJS. In this course, you will learn the essential tools and skills to design, develop and deploy a fully-function eCommerce website like amazon from scratch.

I designed this course for anyone seeking to develop a full-functional eCommerce website like amazon.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to

  • Design a responsive eCommerce website 

  • Create user and SEO friendly frontend

  • Build a scalable backend 

  • Connect your ECommerce website to payment gateways

  • Publish that on the internet

You will learn:

  • Designing responsive ECommerce website using Material UI like home page, product page, sidebar,  and navbar.

  • Implementing frontend using NextJS like handling shopping cart, showing maps, beautiful charts.

  • Building Backend Web API using next connect and MongoDB to handle authentication, providing report data, handling products and orders.

  • Connecting to payment gateways like PayPal and make online payments.

  • Publishing your website on the cloud servers like Vercel and Netlify

This course is for all-levels developers who want to be a professional frontend developers and find a job in more than 22 M job opportunities around the world

You need to know the basics of Reactjs like components, state,  props, and hooks to start this course.

Feel free to take a look at the course preview and enroll if it is along with your ambitions.

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