Project Management With MS Project - Scheduling Master Class udemy course free download

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I am super-excited to welcome you to “Managing Projects With Microsoft Project Scheduling Masterclass”

Question: Are you new to this software? 

If yes, do yourself a favor and grab this course right now. I mean, seriously - come on. Just click on the “Take this course" button. It’s no brainer with the risk-free, mega-generous 30-day money-back guarantee. Just do it! Enroll now and start to learn. You are gonna love it!

In case you are still here…

I want to tell you my story.

I discovered “Project” twenty years ago when a colleague whispered in my ear about this “awesome software package” and revealed a shiny, glossy shrink-wrap box from his desk drawer. 

After a quick look at the list of benefits that it could provide to you, I almost jumped with excitement and danced around the office. 

It was a project manager’s dream come true.

Think about it…

  • Automatic task scheduling
  • Dynamic task durations
  • Keep track of resource assignments
  • Specify task dependencies
  • Reschedule the whole project instantly
  • Create Gantt charts

As you can imagine, all of that was like music to my ears. I wanted to install and learn it immediately.

So, I grab a copy, put it in and power it up. My whole body shakes with anticipation. And…

It looks mighty-similar to Excel. 

I go, “Sweet! I already know Excel, this will be a breeze - easy-peasy to learn instantly”.  

By that time, I had already earned a reputation of a computer wiz who does not need to take a course to learn software. (It was even before my training career.) 

And I begin to learn MS Project with unbridled, white-hot enthusiasm. 

And then…

Like a bucket of ice-cold water the reality hits. It turns out that MS Project is different from other software packages that I had used before. 

It does things behind the scenes that surprise you. Nothing works the way you think - “logically”. 

All of my assumptions get flushed down the toilet. I squander so much time on it that there is hardly any left for project management.

My eyes were hurting from staring at lines and lines of project data. My mind was ready to explode. My whole body would start itching the instant I saw another Gantt chart.

And the worst part…

My computer-genius reputation was being murdered. It almost made me sick to my stomach as the paralyzing fear started to creep under my skin.

That’s when I told myself, “Slow down! There is a better way. You feel like a blind kitten. Stop this intuitive-learning nonsense and take a training course right now.”

And I did. 

As a matter of fact, I perused every single piece of instruction that I could get my hands on including great books and video courses. Plus, I met some more experienced users (there were not too many back then) who gave me their insights and shared their “secret” world-class techniques. 

Which I promptly translated to my own situation and instantly improved my scheduling workflow.

As a result, I did manage to conquer MS Project. It was not easy, but I can’t describe the energizing sense of accomplishment it provides.

On my MS Project learning journey over the years, I was painstakingly collecting ideas, thoughts, tips and techniques fundamental to scheduling and problem-solving success with this powerful app.

Which is great news for you.

Because in this easy-to-follow tutorial I am just about to gently lead you step-by-step through your own MS-Project learning experience. 

As you work through the course, you’ll quickly learn the exact strategies that helped me and will help you harness Project and get back in control of your scheduling.

My learning curve was steep as Mount Everest.

Yours will be smooth and intellectually pleasant, so you can enhance your Microsoft Project game immediately. 

I have accumulated a treasure chest of shrewd tactics, processes, tips and tricks which I’ll reveal to you in this course.

As soon as you begin the course, you’ll quickly grasp and become comfortable with the user interface and various important considerations when working in Project. 

As you go through the course, You’ll learn that MS Project success is not simply about your ability to learn software.

It’s about your level of comfort with the essential practical project-management concepts. Like critical path, work breakdown structure, resource types and resource leveling, etc.

As you learn in this course, you’ll accumulate your own collection of favorite tactics and techniques and get multiple benefits. 

Some of the benefits are:

Benefit 1: Become efficient in managing lists of tasks in Project.

Benefit 2: Fine-tune your project plans with custom project calendars.

Benefit 3: Speed up your scheduling by using task relationships and dependencies.

Benefit 4: Get to understand recurring tasks in MS Project

Benefit 5: Control your schedule by task constraints and task deadlines. 

Benefit 6: Use Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to bring sanity to multi-project environment.

Benefit 7: Simplify your scheduling and communication with custom views and tables.

Benefit 8: Become adept at task types (Fixed Duration, Fixed Work, Fixed Units)

Benefit 9: Understand the behavior of the effort-driven scheduling.

Benefit 10: Learn how to understand and profit from the Critical Path Method. 

Since my early days of teaching, I earned a reputation as a great teacher and a problem solver. Folks like to learn from me because I can explain complex things in such an easy and clear way so even a child can comprehend them.

That’s exactly why, when you enroll in this course, you should expect crystal-clear, easy-to-understand explanations and instructions. 

Frankly, I am a bit envious. I wish I had this tremendous learning opportunity when I was just getting started.

I am confident that you’ll experience instant results delivered by this course.

That’s why I invite you to click on the “Take this course" button, secure your lifetime access now and begin to learn. 

You are going to love it.


Igor Ovchinnikov

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