Cryptography and Hashing Fundamentals in Python and Java udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



In this course you will learn about cryptography and hashing in Python and Java as well. You will understand most of the private key (symmetric) and pubic key (asymmetric) cryptosystems on a step by step basis. You can learn about the theory as well as the implementation for every cryptographic algorithm - and how to crack these systems (so what are the weaknesses).

Chapter 1 - Cryptography Fundamentals

  • what is the aim of cryptography?

  • private key and public key cryptosystems

Chapter 2 - Caesar Cipher

  • Caesar cipher theory and implementation

  • how to crack Caesar cipher

  • frequency analysis and language detection

Chapter 3 - Vigenere Cipher

  • Vigenere cipher theory and implementation

  • how to crack Vigenere cipher with Kasiski-algorithm

Chapter 4 - One Time Pad (Vernam Cipher)

  • random and pseudo-random numbers

  • the XOR logical operator

  • one time pad theory and implementation

  • why is it impossible to crack Vernam cipher?

  • Shannon's secrecy

Chapter 5 - Data Encryption Standard (DES)

  • data encryption standard (DES) theory and implementation

  • cryptoanalysis techniques

  • linear cryptoanalysis and differential cryptoanalysis

Chapter 6 - Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

  • advanced encryption standard (AES) theory and implementation

  • Shannon's confusion and diffusion

Chapter 7 - Asymmetric Cryptosystems

  • problems with private key cryptosystems

  • random numbers and prime numbers in cryptography

Chapter 8 - Modular Arithmetic

  • modular arithmetic fundamentals

  • finding prime numbers - naive approach and advanced algorithms

  • integer factorization problem

  • discrete logarithm problem

Chapter 9 - Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

  • Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm theory and implementation

  • prime numbers and primitive roots

  • man-in-the-middle attack

Chapter 10 - RSA Algorithm

  • RSA algorithm theory and implementation

  • the problem of factorization

Chapter 11 - Advanced Modular Arithmetic

  • Euclidean and the greatest common divisor (GCD) problem

  • extended Euclidean algorithm (EGCD)

  • modular inverse problem

Chapter 12 - Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)

  • elliptic curve cryptography theory and implementation

  • why does Bitcoin use elliptic curve cryptography?

Chapter 13 - Cryptographic Hashing

  • what is hashing in cryptography?

  • properties of hashing

  • birthday paradox

  • MD5 and SHA algorithms

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