Learn AKKA Actors with JAVA udemy course free download

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AKKA is a free & open source toolkit developed in Scala. It's running on JVM  as scala utilises JVM. It is addressing the difficult and complicated problem of implementing concurrent systems. 

Original toolkit is available with two DSLs : Scala and Java.

In this course you will learn how AKKA actors work and learn developing concurrents systems with AKKA with Java language.

AKKA Actors has two variations. They do the same thing but, two different way of implementation.

- AKKA Classical is the libraries up until version version 2.6 and including 2.6

- AKKA Typed is the oher libraries which is introduced with 2.5 as trial and 2.6 as official.

In this course you will learn the both variations. We will first start with AKKA Classical, then will see AKKA Typed actors.

Java knowledge is required as this course doesn't include Java training. It doesn't have to be at expert level but you should be able to develop basic applications on your own.

Knowing multithreading and concurrents systems can be helpful however it is not a requirement as the course covers the brief introduction on concurrency, threads, multi-threads and parallelism.

After teaching the AKKA Actors module, the course will go into details of scaling the actors for multithreading. You will learn about all possible routing options.

Following the routing for scaling AKKA Actors, you will learn about AKKA supervision strategies and life cycle of an actor.

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