Intro to Data Analytics using Excel udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



Our world, your company, and your life are filled with endless amounts of data just begging you to do something with it! If you work with data in any capacity and want to learn how to start analyzing it in an easy-to-understand manner, this course is for you.

In this course, you'll learn the basics of data analysis, some fundamental tools and how to apply them, how to ask questions of your data, and how to present your findings in a slick dashboard. The entire course is done in Excel, no need to have some fancy-shmancy statistical software.

*We do highly recommend taking our "Beginner Statistics for Data Analytics" course before taking this course. The stats course gives you a great background on many of the tools we'll be using.*

We start by demystifying the terms big data and data analytics before jumping into our statistics bootcamp (don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds) to learn the key analytics tools. Armed with these tools, we’ll dive into a case study where we’ll use various analytical tools to analyze our data, come up with hypotheses, and test our assumptions. We top everything off by learning how to present data using a dynamic dashboard.

At completion, you’ll know how to use analytical techniques to analyze data sets.

Our courses are always:   

  • Very easy to understand - There is not memorizing complex formulas (we have Excel to do that for us) or learning abstract theories. Just real, applicable knowledge.

  • Fun - We keep the course light-hearted with fun examples

  • To the point - We removed all the fluff so you're just left with the most essential knowledge

Let's start learning!  

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