Essential Go REST API: Developing, Testing and Deploying udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



REST API is  a solution to leverage your business needs. You can publish your data to REST API. This bootcamp is designed to web developers who wants to build REST APIs using Go.

Pre-requisite: you have a basic Go programming to follow this bootcamp.

In general, you will learn the following topics in this bootcamp.

  • Preparation

  • Basic REST API with Go

  • Practical Lab 1: Calculator REST API

  • Practical Lab 2: Product REST API

  • REST API with Database  - Resource REST API

  • Basic Go Gin Middleware

  • Securing REST API : Authentication and Authorization

  • Unit Testing

  • Deployment

We start by preparing Go development environment. You can work with Windows, Linux and macOS. Next, you learn basic REST API such as handling requests with parameters. To get more practices, we provide two mini projects like a calculator REST API and a product REST API. These projects do not use database.

After you have learned basic REST API with Go, we continue to work with MySQL database. We publish our database data as REST API. You will build a complete project for Go such as database, models and controllers.

You also learn to build own Go Gin middleware.

Next, you learn how to secure REST API. We build REST APIs for registration, login, and logout. We implement JWT token to secure all REST API requests. We also implement RBAC (Role-based Access Control) on REST APIs.

Last, we perform unit test on Go programs included unit tests for REST API. We also deploy our Go REST API application on the following environment

  • Ubuntu server 2004 and Nginx

  • Windows Server 2022 and IIS

  • Docker

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