Master Coding Interview :Data structures + Algorithms udemy course free download

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Our Students Speak :


The teacher has fantastic ability to transfer understanding of a concept not just pass along his knowledge of the concept.-Liam Bailes


This course is excellent and a great method to learn about Data Structures and Algorithms. It's fantastic for learning how to solve problems and construct reasoning.-Parth


Best course. Since Data structure is one of the basic subject for programming, this course provides an complete overview of all components of Data Structures. This course is very good for students at the beginner level who wants to know the fundamentals and advanced concepts of Data Structures and Algorithms.-Newton


The course is really helpful, Must learn course while preparing for Tier 1 companies. Explains the concepts well and in an easily understandable way.-Dennis Paul

Many More ! Check the review section below.


Welcome to the Coding Interview Bootcamp!

Once you get an interview from a top tech company, the only thing that matters for you to get your dream Software Engineering role is your performance in the coding Interviews.

The only way to ace the coding interview is to take one problem at a time and really understand how to solve it and then do this for a lot of problems to get sufficient tools and techniques in your arsenal to face and conquer any coding interview. This is what my aim is for you with this course.

This course is structured as DAILY CODING CHALLENGES to give you a clear target for every day. By not missing a single day and by staying consistent you will have solved a variety of questions by the end of this course, getting you prepared for coding interviews and more practice on your own from Leetcode.

We start right from the basics and discuss Big O analysis and then move on to cover the common data structures and then discuss real life problems asked in Big Tech companies such as Google, Meta, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, Microsoft etc.

For Each Question we discuss :

   1. The Logic or the method by which we can approach this question in an optimal manner

   2. The Time and Space complexity of the Solution

   3. Code the Solution in Javascript ( You can follow along in any coding language of your choice)

This course also includes multiple downloadable resources, trackers to keep you motivated, and cheat sheets to make your coding interview prep smooth.


  • DAY 1: Arrays Data Structures and Algorithms

    Data Structures Introduction

    Big O

    DS: Arrays Crash Course

    Coding Interview Q1: Sorted Squared Array

    Coding Interview Q2: Monotonic Array

  • DAY 2: Arrays Data Structures and Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Rotate Array

    Coding Interview Q2:Container with most Water

  • DAY 3: Hash Tables Data Structures and Algorithms

    DS: Hash Tables Crash Course

    Coding Interview Q1: Two Sum

    Coding Interview Q2:Isomorphic Strings

  • DAY 4: Recursion Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Fibonacci

    Coding Interview Q2:Power Sum

  • DAY 5: Recursion Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Permutations

    Coding Interview Q2:Power Set

  • DAY 6: String Data Structures and Algorithms

    DS: Strings Crash Course

    Coding Interview Q1: Non repeating character

    Coding Interview Q2: Palindrome

  • DAY 7: String Data Structures and Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Longest Unique char Substring

    Coding Interview Q2: Group Anagrams

  • DAY 8: Searching Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Binary Search

    Coding Interview Q2: Search in Rotated Sorted array

  • DAY 9: Searching Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array

    Coding Interview Q2: Search in 2D Array

  • DAY 10: Sorting Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Bubble Sort

    Coding Interview Q2: Insertion Sort

  • DAY 11: Sorting Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Selection Sort

    Coding Interview Q2: Merge Sort

  • DAY 12: Sorting Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Quick Sort

    Coding Interview Q2: Radix Sort

  • DAY 13: Singly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms

    DS: Linked List Crash Course

    Coding Interview Q1:  Construct SLL

    Coding Interview Q2: delete duplicates

  • Day 14: Singly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1:  Reverse SLL

    Coding Interview Q2: Cycle Detection

  • DAY 15: Singly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: find duplicate number

    Coding Interview Q2: Add 2 numbers

  • DAY 16: Doubly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: DLL remove insert

    Coding Interview Q2: DLL remove all, insert at position

  • DAY 17: Stacks Data Structures and Algorithms

    DS: Stacks Crash Course

    Coding Interview Q1:  Construct Stack

    Coding Interview Q2: Reverse Polish Notation

  • DAY 18: Queues Data Structures and Algorithms

    DS: Queues Crash Course

    Coding Interview Q1: Construct Queue

    Coding Interview Q2: Implement Queue with Stack

  • DAY 19: Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms

    DS: Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree Crash Course

    Coding Interview Q1: Construct BST

    Coding Interview Q2: Traverse BST (Breadth first and Depth first - Inorder, Preorder,Post order)

  • DAY 20: Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Level Order traversal

    Coding Interview Q2: Left/Right View of binary tree

  • DAY 21: Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Invert Binary Tree

    Coding Interview Q2: Diameter of binary tree

  • DAY 22: Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree

    Coding Interview Q2: Validate BST

  • DAY 23: Heaps and Priority Queue Data Structures and Algorithms

    DS: Heaps Crash Course

    Coding Interview Q1: Max Heap Construction

    Coding Interview Q2: min Priority Queue Construction

  • DAY 24: Graphs Data Structures and Algorithms

    DS: Graphs Crash Course

    Coding Interview Q1:  BFS - Adj List and Adj Matrix

    Coding Interview Q2: DFS - Iterative and Recursive

  • DAY 25: Graphs Data Structures and Algorithms

    Coding Interview Q1: Number of connected components

    Coding Interview Q2: Course Scheduler / Topological sort

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Enroll today and see you inside the course !

Let's make your dreams come true

- Jackson

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