Continuous Integration for ASP.NET with Docker, Azure Devops udemy course free download

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Docker with Kubernetes have  already become  mainstream technologies. However, running Windows Containers with Docker is still a less explored path, and lacks resources. This course was initially created as a Docker Mastery on Windows Course. However, what would people do once mastered running, operating windows containers and packaging .NET Application? With increasing need to create a real world use case, I  started adding content related to taking the Docker based real world workflows and automating with Azure Devops, a fantastic and a almost complete Devops platform. I am glad to bring this course to you in its current shape. I will continue iterating it to provide more depth as well as to address the changing dynamics in the Devops world.

Special thanks for Murtaja Kadiyani for pushing me to pick up this topic, providing very useful insights and inputs throughout the development of this course. Cheers Mate !! 

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