Effective Communication Skills: Process Mapping udemy course free download

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Communication 601: Process Mapping - Communicating Processes


You know there's a problem in your operations, you know it could be more efficient, but how to you communicate it?  Yes, a picture is worth 1,000 words....

  • We will teach you how to use a simple and extremely effective business communication tool.

  • You will learn how to sell your ideas internally and externally.

  • Need job interview skills?  Use a process map to spark a conversation instead of a question and answer disaster.

  • You will be able to use this tool immediately after taking this class.

  • The first step in process improvement is understanding what you have.  Here's how to take the first step towards Operational Excellence.

  • We don't use cartoons, there are no fancy graphics....just a real world example and a step by step demo of how to create and use a multifunctional process map.

  • We're old school:  brown paper on the wall, a few Sharpie's® and a stack of Post-it® notes.

    Effective communication in the workplace is the key to advancing, but how exactly do you do that? How can you actually improve workplace communication? Engineers, programmers, project managers and consultants all need some tools to help them "sell" ideas. One of the most useful - but underappreciated - is a multifunctional process map. The process map is mentioned and required in ISO 9000, Six Sigma and lean manufacturing, but you don't need those complex methodologies to take advantage of this useful tool. 

    We will demonstrate the swimlane processs map with a case study based on the instructor's work in management consulting. The case is an example of how you can use a process map to "sell your ideas." If you use this communication tool correctly, your "sale" should be much easier….and that's a great way to build a career. 

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