Convolutional Neural Networks: Zero to Full Real-World Apps Udemy udemy course free download

What you'll learn:

  • Understand the Similarities and Differences between NN vs. CNN
  • Understand CNN Concepts and Architectures
  • Analyze Live and Interactive CNN Applications
  • Create your first CNN Real-World Application
  • Submit your CNN Final Assignment for Final Review
  • Friendly plain-English and direct to point explanations




Some Student Reviews:

"5/5 stars to Mauricio!" (March 2018).

"The implementation part is very good and up-too the mark. The explanation step by step process is very good." (February 2018).

"course done very well; everything is explained in detail; really satisfied !!!" (February 2018).

"Difficult topics are simply illustrated and therefore easy to understand." (January 2018).

"So far the course is good, clearly Explanation." (November 2017).


***Read the Quick FAQ for the entire course lowdown!***




As always, thanks for showing interest in this course!

What makes this course special:


✅ First:

You'll start with the Neural Networks Review:


✅ Second: 

You'll start your Convolutional Neural Networks endeavor by reviewing their history and motivation:



✅ Third:

You'll continue your Convolutional Neural Networks endeavor by going into all required concepts:


✅ Forth:

Before jumping into code, you'll see some Convolutional Neural Networks action:



✅ Fifth:

You'll code your first Convolutional Neural Networks application:


✅ Sixth:

Now it's time for you to code your own Convolutional Neural Networks app with your own images:


✅ Seventh:

Submit your own Convolutional Neural Networks app as the course's Final Assignment:


Lastly, you can post questions or doubts, and I’ll answer to you personally. 


I’ll see you inside,


-M.A. Mauricio M.


Who this course is for:

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