Course Selling and Marketing That Works - Two Courses in One udemy course free download

What you'll learn:

The Perfect Offer – Proven Formulas Course



This is two courses in one

Course 1 - Online course selling

(Course update June 2nd 2021. Lecture 23 added: The secret that sells more courses)

By the end of this course, you will be able to design a powerful course landing page that get's students to enroll in your course.

The methods and formulas I teach you in this course have got me great results.

My name is Ian Stables. I have more than 100,000 students and have so far created 37 courses,.

When I started on Udemy, I had to discover what got students to enroll in my course. I created a so-so promotional video. I write a course description which was ok but was far from being the best it could. I needed to fix this problem.

I studied everything I could find. I read countless books, took many courses, and watched what seemed endless Youtube videos. I even messaged top instructors to get their advice.

I combined all this knowledge with what I already knew about getting sales, I tried and tested all sorts of formulas and methods to see what worked. I got rid of what didn't work well and kept ones that got the best results.

I now have methods and powerful formulas that work very well. They have got me amazing results. In this course, I share them with you.

It's took me a long time to learn what sells and doesn't sell courses. I bring all this knowledge and know how to you in this course.

You'll learn:

- The difference between marketing and selling (Something I didn't know in the beginning.)

- The most important thing you must have to get big results (This is crucial. Your sales results all hang on this.)

- How to make your course curriculum sell - There's a special way of doing this (Yes. Your curriculum can really sell your course.)

- My proven course description writing formula This really does get the sale. (I show you a simple but very effective step-by-step formula. You'll especially love the eight effective openers.)

- How to make your course title grab students - Very important (This makes a massive difference to your sales.)

- How to get your course at the top of search results

- Proven promo video formula that really does get the sale. (This one took me some time to get right. It creates a short but very convincing video.)

- The best price for the best results. (High or low?)

Course 2: Online Course Marketing; The Few Methods That Work

My course sales dramatically increased when I discovered these few marketing methods.

By the end of this course, you will be able to get amazing course sales results. You will know the few marketing methods that have given me the best results ever.

My name is Ian Stables. I have more than 100,000 students and have created 38 courses.

I know what it's like to get little results from your course marketing efforts.

I tried many different methods. Sadly, most of them didn't give me the big results I wanted. I read countless books, watched endless videos. I kept trying new things to see what results I got.

Eventually, I started to discover methods that produced great results. I came up with ideas of my own and tested and tweaked until I found what gave big sales results.

I ended up with a few online course marketing methods that always give me amazing results.

Let me teach them to you so you can get the course sales results you are looking for.

What you'll learn:

- Universal rule - Why few methods get most results

- Surprisingly effective way to market using Kindle books

- Get other people to market your course - for free

- The effective way to market with your last course lecture

- The fastest way to build your audience to market to

- What gets me amazing results from promotional messages

- How something new gets great results

- The irresistible offer (This is a game changer)

- Powerful testimonial method (I absolutely love this)

- What to leave out that jumps results (My recent discovery that made a big difference)

- Way to write messages that get better results

- The promo message length that increased sales

- Message subjects that get me the most results

- What I discovered is the best time to send promotional messages (I had a lightbulb moment with this one)

- A very fast way of creating promotional announcements - you know will get great results

I want to help you get the best results

If you need any help, simply post your questions in the Q&A section of the courrse. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I will usually get back to you the same day. Sometimes, like weekends, it may be two or three days. Rest assured. I will respond.

Enroll now and increase your course sales

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