Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms in Python udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



As a developer, you’ll have certainly heard about various data structures and algorithms. However, have you ever thought profoundly about them and their impact on the performance of your applications? If not, it’s high time to take a look at this topic, and this course is a one-stop guide to master it!

This course will teach you the necessary theory and applications to properly understand the advanced algorithms and data structures that are critical to various problems and how to implement them. We’ll also go hands-on and reveal tips and tricks for optimizations, identifying the right approaches and presenting convincing explanations. And, you will get it all in a modern, popular, and well-documented language: Python. Finally, you’ll learn how to develop complex algorithms that are easy to understand, debug, and reusable in various applications.

By the end of the course, you’ll know how to develop complex algorithms that are easy to understand, debug, and reusable in various applications.

About the Author

Vlad Sebastian Ionescu is first and foremost a teacher. He holds a Ph.D. in Machine Learning and currently various university courses and tutorials covering languages and concepts such as Python, Java, algorithms and data structures, C#, machine learning, and web development.

He also possesses a Stack Overflow gold badge in algorithmic tagging.

His philosophy is "if I can't explain it well enough for most people to understand it, I need to go back and understand it better myself before trying again". He has personally run into all of the problems discussed in the course at some point in his professional life. This makes him adept at understanding programming problems – and, more critically, how to resolve them… and how to explain the solutions

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